Forbes30under30 entrepreneur with a passion for tech and finance. I've worked as a software developer for various startups and companies (e.g. Hyperloop) in the Bay area. My book "Moneymakers" [SPIEGEL BESTSELLER] sums up my experience building the biggest social stock market game in Germany and explains Wall Street as simple as possible.
The book "Moneymakers" deals with the history, function, philosophy and importance of the stock market. In addition to many interviews with well-known personalities and explanations of terms, there are also many short personal stories by the author. Pop culture references and recommendations for books, apps, and websites help readers take the first step towards buying their very first share in a company. The book gives a rough overview of the most important global trends that will have a lasting impact on the economic world explains their relevance to the readers' investment style and long-term portfolio.
You can buy it here.